Oral Care Connect

Oral Care Connect® is a value-based program for participating OB/GYNs and primary care providers (PCPs).

The program addresses the implications of oral health care on systemic health by facilitating increased access to, and utilization of, dental care for AmeriHealth Caritas District of Columbia (DC) enrollees who are pregnant.

The goal of the program is to facilitate more dental care for targeted enrollees with an approach that includes the following:

  • A broad-based education and awareness outreach effort aimed at physicians to inform them about the importance of dental and oral health care.
  • Distribution of focused outreach materials to targeted enrollees.
  • An incentive opportunity for physicians to engage in more focused referrals to AmeriHealth Caritas DC network dentists. For enrollees in the identified cohorts, an incentive payment will be made to the physicians when a dental claim is noted and paired with a claim within 60 days of the initial dental appointment.

AmeriHealth Caritas DC is committed to promoting medical and dental integration. The Oral Care Connect program is one of our efforts to further the coordination of professional services for our enrollees.
